function _update_8003_field_create_field

Creates a field by writing directly to configuration.

Upgrades using this function need to use hook_update_dependencies() to ensure they get executed after field_update_8003().


array $field_config: An array of field properties.

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function _update_8003_field_create_field(array &$field_config) {
  $uuid = new Uuid();

  // Merge in default values.
  $field_config += array(
    'uuid' => $uuid
    'entity_types' => array(),
    'cardinality' => 1,
    'translatable' => FALSE,
    'locked' => FALSE,
    'settings' => array(),
    'indexes' => array(),
    'active' => TRUE,
    'status' => 1,
    'langcode' => 'und',

  // Set the storage.
  $field_config['storage'] = array(
    'type' => 'field_sql_storage',
    'module' => 'field_sql_storage',
    'active' => TRUE,
    'settings' => array(),

  // Save in config.
  Drupal::config('field.field.' . $field_config['id'])

  // Create storage for the field. This requires a field entity, but cannot use
  // the regular entity_create() function here.
  $field_entity = new Field($field_config);