function template_preprocess_field

Prepares variables for field templates.

Default template: field.html.twig.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • element: A render element representing the field.
  • attributes: A string containing the attributes for the wrapping div.
  • title_attributes: A string containing the attributes for the title.
  • content_attributes: A string containing the attributes for the content's div.

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drupal/core/modules/field/field.module, line 1004
Attach custom data fields to Drupal entities.


function template_preprocess_field(&$variables, $hook) {
  $element = $variables['element'];

  // There's some overhead in calling check_plain() so only call it if the label
  // variable is being displayed. Otherwise, set it to NULL to avoid PHP
  // warnings if a theme implementation accesses the variable even when it's
  // supposed to be hidden. If a theme implementation needs to print a hidden
  // label, it needs to supply a preprocess function that sets it to the
  // sanitized element title or whatever else is wanted in its place.
  $variables['label_hidden'] = $element['#label_display'] == 'hidden';
  $variables['label'] = $variables['label_hidden'] ? NULL : check_plain($element['#title']);

  // We want other preprocess functions and the theme implementation to have
  // fast access to the field item render arrays. The item render array keys
  // (deltas) should always be a subset of the keys in #items, and looping on
  // those keys is faster than calling element_children() or looping on all keys
  // within $element, since that requires traversal of all element properties.
  $variables['items'] = array();
  foreach ($element['#items'] as $delta => $item) {
    if (!empty($element[$delta])) {
      $variables['items'][$delta] = $element[$delta];

  // Add default CSS classes. Since there can be many fields rendered on a page,
  // save some overhead by calling strtr() directly instead of
  // drupal_html_class().
  $variables['field_name_css'] = strtr($element['#field_name'], '_', '-');
  $variables['field_type_css'] = strtr($element['#field_type'], '_', '-');
  $variables['attributes']['class'] = array(
    'field-name-' . $variables['field_name_css'],
    'field-type-' . $variables['field_type_css'],
    'field-label-' . $element['#label_display'],

  // Add a "clearfix" class to the wrapper since we float the label and the
  // field items in field.module.css if the label is inline.
  if ($element['#label_display'] == 'inline') {
    $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'clearfix';

  // Add specific suggestions that can override the default implementation.
  $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array(
    'field__' . $element['#field_type'],
    'field__' . $element['#field_name'],
    'field__' . $element['#bundle'],
    'field__' . $element['#field_name'] . '__' . $element['#bundle'],