function template_process_field

Theme process function for theme_field() and field.html.twig.

See also



Related topics


drupal/core/modules/field/field.module, line 1060
Attach custom data fields to Drupal entities.


function template_process_field(&$variables, $hook) {
  static $default_attributes;

  // The default theme implementation is a function, so template_process() does
  // not automatically run, so we need to flatten the classes and attributes
  // here. For best performance, only instantiate Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute
  // when needed, and note that template_preprocess_field() does not initialize
  // the *_attributes variables.
  if (!isset($default_attributes)) {
    $default_attributes = new Attribute();
  $variables['attributes'] = isset($variables['attributes']) ? new Attribute($variables['attributes']) : clone $default_attributes;
  $variables['title_attributes'] = isset($variables['title_attributes']) ? new Attribute($variables['title_attributes']) : clone $default_attributes;
  $variables['content_attributes'] = isset($variables['content_attributes']) ? new Attribute($variables['content_attributes']) : clone $default_attributes;
  foreach ($variables['items'] as $delta => $item) {
    $variables['item_attributes'][$delta] = isset($variables['item_attributes'][$delta]) ? new Attribute($variables['item_attributes'][$delta]) : clone $default_attributes;