function simpletest_process_phpunit_results

Inserts the parsed phpunit results into the simpletest table.


array $phpunit_results: An array of test results returned from simpletest_phpunit_xml_to_rows.

1 call to simpletest_process_phpunit_results()
simpletest_run_tests in drupal/core/modules/simpletest/simpletest.module
Actually runs tests.


drupal/core/modules/simpletest/simpletest.module, line 192
Provides testing functionality.


function simpletest_process_phpunit_results($phpunit_results) {

  // Insert the results of the phpunit test run into the db so the results are
  // displayed along with simpletest's results.
  if (!empty($phpunit_results)) {
    $query = db_insert('simpletest')
    foreach ($phpunit_results as $result) {