
Contains \Drupal\views_ui\Tests\DisplayTest.




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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\views_ui\Tests\DisplayTest.
namespace Drupal\views_ui\Tests;

 * Tests the handling of displays in the UI, adding removing etc.
use Drupal\views\Views;
class DisplayTest extends UITestBase {

   * Views used by this test.
   * @var array
  public static $testViews = array(

   * Modules to enable
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Display tests',
      'description' => 'Tests the handling of displays in the UI, adding removing etc.',
      'group' => 'Views UI',

   * A helper method which creates a random view.
  public function randomView(array $view = array()) {

    // Create a new view in the UI.
    $default = array();
    $default['label'] = $this
    $default['id'] = strtolower($this
    $default['description'] = $this
    $default['page[create]'] = TRUE;
    $default['page[path]'] = $default['id'];
    $view += $default;
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/views/add', $view, t('Save and edit'));
    return $default;

   * Tests removing a display.
  public function testRemoveDisplay() {
    $view = $this
    $path_prefix = 'admin/structure/views/view/' . $view['id'] . '/edit';
      ->drupalGet($path_prefix . '/default');
      ->assertNoFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-delete', 'Delete Page', 'Make sure there is no delete button on the default display.');
      ->drupalGet($path_prefix . '/page_1');
      ->assertFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-delete', 'Delete Page', 'Make sure there is a delete button on the page display.');

    // Delete the page, so we can test the undo process.
      ->drupalPost($path_prefix . '/page_1', array(), 'Delete Page');
      ->assertFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-undo-delete', 'Undo delete of Page', 'Make sure there a undo button on the page display after deleting.');
    $element = $this
      ->xpath('//a[contains(@href, :href) and contains(@class, :class)]', array(
      ':href' => $path_prefix . '/page_1',
      ':class' => 'views-display-deleted-link',
      ->assertTrue(!empty($element), 'Make sure the display link is marked as to be deleted.');
    $element = $this
      ->xpath('//a[contains(@href, :href) and contains(@class, :class)]', array(
      ':href' => $path_prefix . '/page_1',
      ':class' => 'views-display-deleted-link',
      ->assertTrue(!empty($element), 'Make sure the display link is marked as to be deleted.');

    // Undo the deleting of the display.
      ->drupalPost($path_prefix . '/page_1', array(), 'Undo delete of Page');
      ->assertNoFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-undo-delete', 'Undo delete of Page', 'Make sure there is no undo button on the page display after reverting.');
      ->assertFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-delete', 'Delete Page', 'Make sure there is a delete button on the page display after the reverting.');

    // Now delete again and save the view.
      ->drupalPost($path_prefix . '/page_1', array(), 'Delete Page');
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
      ->assertNoLinkByHref($path_prefix . '/page_1', 'Make sure there is no display tab for the deleted display.');

   * Tests adding a display.
  public function testAddDisplay() {

    // Show the master display.
      ->set('ui.show.master_display', TRUE)
    $settings['page[create]'] = FALSE;
    $view = $this
    $path_prefix = 'admin/structure/views/view/' . $view['id'] . '/edit';

    // Add a new display.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Add Page');
      ->assertLinkByHref($path_prefix . '/page_1', 0, 'Make sure after adding a display the new display appears in the UI');
      ->assertNoLink('Master*', 0, 'Make sure the master display is not marked as changed.');
      ->assertLink('Page*', 0, 'Make sure the added display is marked as changed.');

   * Tests reordering of displays.
  public function testReorderDisplay() {
    $view = array(
      'block[create]' => TRUE,
    $view = $this
    $path_prefix = 'admin/structure/views/view/' . $view['id'] . '/edit';
      ->clickLink(t('Reorder displays'));
      ->xpath('//tr[@id="display-row-default"]'), 'Make sure the default display appears on the reorder listing');
      ->xpath('//tr[@id="display-row-page_1"]'), 'Make sure the page display appears on the reorder listing');
      ->xpath('//tr[@id="display-row-block_1"]'), 'Make sure the block display appears on the reorder listing');

    // Put the block display in front of the page display.
    $edit = array(
      'displays[page_1][weight]' => 2,
      'displays[block_1][weight]' => 1,
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Apply'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
    $view = views_get_view($view['id']);
    $displays = $view->storage
      ->assertEqual($displays['default']['position'], 0, 'Make sure the master display comes first.');
      ->assertEqual($displays['block_1']['position'], 1, 'Make sure the block display comes before the page display.');
      ->assertEqual($displays['page_1']['position'], 2, 'Make sure the page display comes after the block display.');

   * Tests that the correct display is loaded by default.
  public function testDefaultDisplay() {
    $elements = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($elements), 1, 'The page display is loaded as the default display.');

   * Tests the cloning of a display.
  public function testCloneDisplay() {
    $view = $this
    $path_prefix = 'admin/structure/views/view/' . $view['id'] . '/edit';
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Clone Page');
      ->assertLinkByHref($path_prefix . '/page_2', 0, 'Make sure after cloning the new display appears in the UI');
      ->assertUrl($path_prefix . '/page_2', array(), 'The user got redirected to the new display.');

    // Set the title and override the css classes.
    $random_title = $this
    $random_css = $this
      ->drupalPost("admin/structure/views/nojs/display/{$view['id']}/page_2/title", array(
      'title' => $random_title,
    ), t('Apply'));
      ->drupalPost("admin/structure/views/nojs/display/{$view['id']}/page_2/css_class", array(
      'override[dropdown]' => 'page_2',
      'css_class' => $random_css,
    ), t('Apply'));

    // Clone as a different display type.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Clone as Block');
      ->assertLinkByHref($path_prefix . '/block_1', 0, 'Make sure after cloning the new display appears in the UI');
      ->assertUrl($path_prefix . '/block_1', array(), 'The user got redirected to the new display.');
      ->assertText(t('Block settings'));
      ->assertNoText(t('Page settings'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
    $view = views_get_view($view['id']);
    $page_2 = $view->displayHandlers
      ->assertTrue($page_2, 'The new page display got saved.');
      ->assertEqual($page_2->display['display_title'], 'Page');
    $block_1 = $view->displayHandlers
      ->assertTrue($block_1, 'The new block display got saved.');
      ->assertEqual($block_1->display['display_plugin'], 'block');
      ->assertEqual($block_1->display['display_title'], 'Block', 'The new display title got generated as expected.');
      ->getOption('title'), $random_title, 'The overridden title option from the display got copied into the clone');
      ->getOption('css_class'), $random_css, 'The overridden css_class option from the display got copied into the clone');

   * Tests disabling of a display.
  public function testDisableDisplay() {
    $view = $this
    $path_prefix = 'admin/structure/views/view/' . $view['id'] . '/edit';
      ->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
      ':class' => 'views-display-disabled',
    )), 'Make sure the disabled display css class does not appear after initial adding of a view.');
      ->assertFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-disable', '', 'Make sure the disable button is visible.');
      ->assertNoFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-enable', '', 'Make sure the enable button is not visible.');
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Disable Page');
      ->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
      ':class' => 'views-display-disabled',
    )), 'Make sure the disabled display css class appears once the display is marked as such.');
      ->assertNoFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-disable', '', 'Make sure the disable button is not visible.');
      ->assertFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-enable', '', 'Make sure the enable button is visible.');
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Enable Page');
      ->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
      ':class' => 'views-display-disabled',
    )), 'Make sure the disabled display css class does not appears once the display is enabled again.');

   * Tests views_ui_views_plugins_display_alter is altering plugin definitions.
  public function testDisplayPluginsAlter() {
    $definitions = Views::pluginManager('display')
    $expected = array(
      'parent path' => 'admin/structure/views/view',
      'argument properties' => array(

    // Test the expected views_ui array exists on each definition.
    foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
        ->assertIdentical($definition['contextual links']['views_ui'], $expected, 'Expected views_ui array found in plugin definition.');

   * Tests display areas.
  public function testDisplayAreas() {

    // Show the advanced column.
      ->set('ui.show.advanced_column', TRUE)

    // Add a new data display to the view.
    $view = views_get_view('test_display');

    // Create a mapping of area type => class.
    $areas = array(
      'header' => 'header',
      'footer' => 'footer',
      'empty' => 'no-results-behavior',

    // Assert that the expected text is found in each area category.
    foreach ($areas as $type => $class) {
      $element = $this
        ->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]/div', array(
        ':class' => $class,
        ->assertEqual((string) $element[0], "The selected display type does not utilize {$type} plugins");

   * Tests the link-display setting.
  public function testLinkDisplay() {

    // Test setting the link display in the UI form.
    $path = 'admin/structure/views/view/test_display/edit/block_1';
    $link_display_path = 'admin/structure/views/nojs/display/test_display/block_1/link_display';
      ->drupalPost($link_display_path, array(
      'link_display' => 'page_1',
    ), t('Apply'));

    // The form redirects to the master display.
    $result = $this
      ->xpath("//a[contains(@href, :path)]", array(
      ':path' => $link_display_path,
      ->assertEqual($result[0], 'Page', 'Make sure that the link option summary shows the right linked display.');
    $link_display_path = 'admin/structure/views/nojs/display/test_display/block_1/link_display';
      ->drupalPost($link_display_path, array(
      'link_display' => 'custom_url',
    ), t('Apply'));

    // The form redirects to the master display.
      ->assertLink(t('Custom URL'), 0, 'The link option has custom url as summary.');

   * Tests contextual links on Views page displays.
  public function testPageContextualLinks() {
      'administer views',
      'access contextual links',
    $view = entity_load('view', 'test_display');
    $id = 'views_ui:admin/structure/views/view:test_display:location=page&name=test_display&display_id=page_1';

    // @see \Drupal\contextual\Tests\ContextualDynamicContextTest:assertContextualLinkPlaceHolder()
      ->assertRaw('<div data-contextual-id="' . $id . '"></div>', format_string('Contextual link placeholder with id @id exists.', array(
      '@id' => $id,

    // Get server-rendered contextual links.
    // @see \Drupal\contextual\Tests\ContextualDynamicContextTest:renderContextualLinks()
    $post = urlencode('ids[0]') . '=' . urlencode($id);
    $response = $this
      CURLOPT_URL => url('contextual/render', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'query' => array(
          'destination' => 'test-display',
      CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $post,
      CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
        'Accept: application/json',
        'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    $json = drupal_json_decode($response);
      ->assertIdentical($json[$id], '<ul class="contextual-links"><li class="views-ui-edit odd first last"><a href="' . base_path() . 'admin/structure/views/view/test_display/edit/page_1?destination=test-display">Edit view</a></li></ul>');

   * Tests that the view status is correctly reflected on the edit form.
  public function testViewStatus() {
    $view = $this
    $id = $view['id'];

    // The view should initially have the enabled class on it's form wrapper.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/views/view/' . $id);
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :edit) and contains(@class, :status)]', array(
      ':edit' => 'views-edit-view',
      ':status' => 'enabled',
      ->assertTrue($elements, 'The enabled class was found on the form wrapper');
    $view = views_get_view($id);
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/views/view/' . $id);
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :edit) and contains(@class, :status)]', array(
      ':edit' => 'views-edit-view',
      ':status' => 'disabled',
      ->assertTrue($elements, 'The disabled class was found on the form wrapper.');



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