Tests removing a display.
public function testRemoveDisplay() {
$view = $this
$path_prefix = 'admin/structure/views/view/' . $view['id'] . '/edit';
->drupalGet($path_prefix . '/default');
->assertNoFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-delete', 'Delete Page', 'Make sure there is no delete button on the default display.');
->drupalGet($path_prefix . '/page_1');
->assertFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-delete', 'Delete Page', 'Make sure there is a delete button on the page display.');
// Delete the page, so we can test the undo process.
->drupalPost($path_prefix . '/page_1', array(), 'Delete Page');
->assertFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-undo-delete', 'Undo delete of Page', 'Make sure there a undo button on the page display after deleting.');
$element = $this
->xpath('//a[contains(@href, :href) and contains(@class, :class)]', array(
':href' => $path_prefix . '/page_1',
':class' => 'views-display-deleted-link',
->assertTrue(!empty($element), 'Make sure the display link is marked as to be deleted.');
$element = $this
->xpath('//a[contains(@href, :href) and contains(@class, :class)]', array(
':href' => $path_prefix . '/page_1',
':class' => 'views-display-deleted-link',
->assertTrue(!empty($element), 'Make sure the display link is marked as to be deleted.');
// Undo the deleting of the display.
->drupalPost($path_prefix . '/page_1', array(), 'Undo delete of Page');
->assertNoFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-undo-delete', 'Undo delete of Page', 'Make sure there is no undo button on the page display after reverting.');
->assertFieldById('edit-displays-settings-settings-content-tab-content-details-top-actions-delete', 'Delete Page', 'Make sure there is a delete button on the page display after the reverting.');
// Now delete again and save the view.
->drupalPost($path_prefix . '/page_1', array(), 'Delete Page');
->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
->assertNoLinkByHref($path_prefix . '/page_1', 'Make sure there is no display tab for the deleted display.');