class SassFilter

Loads SASS files.

@link @author Kris Wallsmith <>


Expanded class hierarchy of SassFilter


drupal/core/vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic/src/Assetic/Filter/Sass/SassFilter.php, line 27


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class SassFilter extends BaseProcessFilter implements DependencyExtractorInterface {
  const STYLE_NESTED = 'nested';
  const STYLE_EXPANDED = 'expanded';
  const STYLE_COMPACT = 'compact';
  const STYLE_COMPRESSED = 'compressed';
  private $sassPath;
  private $rubyPath;
  private $unixNewlines;
  private $scss;
  private $style;
  private $quiet;
  private $debugInfo;
  private $lineNumbers;
  private $loadPaths = array();
  private $cacheLocation;
  private $noCache;
  private $compass;
  public function __construct($sassPath = '/usr/bin/sass', $rubyPath = null) {
    $this->sassPath = $sassPath;
    $this->rubyPath = $rubyPath;
    $this->cacheLocation = realpath(sys_get_temp_dir());
  public function setUnixNewlines($unixNewlines) {
    $this->unixNewlines = $unixNewlines;
  public function setScss($scss) {
    $this->scss = $scss;
  public function setStyle($style) {
    $this->style = $style;
  public function setQuiet($quiet) {
    $this->quiet = $quiet;
  public function setDebugInfo($debugInfo) {
    $this->debugInfo = $debugInfo;
  public function setLineNumbers($lineNumbers) {
    $this->lineNumbers = $lineNumbers;
  public function setLoadPaths(array $loadPaths) {
    $this->loadPaths = $loadPaths;
  public function addLoadPath($loadPath) {
    $this->loadPaths[] = $loadPath;
  public function setCacheLocation($cacheLocation) {
    $this->cacheLocation = $cacheLocation;
  public function setNoCache($noCache) {
    $this->noCache = $noCache;
  public function setCompass($compass) {
    $this->compass = $compass;
  public function filterLoad(AssetInterface $asset) {
    $sassProcessArgs = array(
    if (null !== $this->rubyPath) {
      $sassProcessArgs = array_merge(explode(' ', $this->rubyPath), $sassProcessArgs);
    $pb = $this
    $root = $asset
    $path = $asset
    if ($root && $path) {
        ->add(dirname($root . '/' . $path));
    if ($this->unixNewlines) {
    if (true === $this->scss || null === $this->scss && 'scss' == pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
    if ($this->style) {
    if ($this->quiet) {
    if ($this->debugInfo) {
    if ($this->lineNumbers) {
    foreach ($this->loadPaths as $loadPath) {
    if ($this->cacheLocation) {
    if ($this->noCache) {
    if ($this->compass) {

    // input
      ->add($input = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'assetic_sass'));
    file_put_contents($input, $asset
    $proc = $pb
    $code = $proc
    if (0 !== $code) {
      throw FilterException::fromProcess($proc)
  public function filterDump(AssetInterface $asset) {
  public function getChildren(AssetFactory $factory, $content, $loadPath = null) {
    $loadPaths = $this->loadPaths;
    if ($loadPath) {
      array_unshift($loadPaths, $loadPath);
    if (!$loadPaths) {
      return array();
    $children = array();
    foreach (CssUtils::extractImports($content) as $reference) {
      if ('.css' === substr($reference, -4)) {

        // skip normal css imports
        // todo: skip imports with media queries

      // the reference may or may not have an extension or be a partial
      if (pathinfo($reference, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
        $needles = array(
          '_' . $reference,
      else {
        $needles = array(
          $reference . '.scss',
          $reference . '.sass',
          '_' . $reference . '.scss',
          '_' . $reference . '.sass',
      foreach ($loadPaths as $loadPath) {
        foreach ($needles as $needle) {
          if (file_exists($file = $loadPath . '/' . $needle)) {
            $coll = $factory
              ->createAsset($file, array(), array(
              'root' => $loadPath,
            foreach ($coll as $leaf) {
              $children[] = $leaf;
              goto next_reference;
    return $children;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
BaseProcessFilter::$timeout private property
BaseProcessFilter::createProcessBuilder protected function Creates a new process builder. 1
BaseProcessFilter::mergeEnv protected function
BaseProcessFilter::setTimeout public function Set the process timeout.
SassFilter::$cacheLocation private property
SassFilter::$compass private property
SassFilter::$debugInfo private property
SassFilter::$lineNumbers private property
SassFilter::$loadPaths private property
SassFilter::$noCache private property
SassFilter::$quiet private property
SassFilter::$rubyPath private property
SassFilter::$sassPath private property
SassFilter::$scss private property
SassFilter::$style private property
SassFilter::$unixNewlines private property
SassFilter::addLoadPath public function
SassFilter::filterDump public function Filters an asset just before it's dumped. Overrides FilterInterface::filterDump
SassFilter::filterLoad public function Filters an asset after it has been loaded. Overrides FilterInterface::filterLoad
SassFilter::getChildren public function Returns child assets. Overrides DependencyExtractorInterface::getChildren
SassFilter::setCacheLocation public function
SassFilter::setCompass public function
SassFilter::setDebugInfo public function
SassFilter::setLineNumbers public function
SassFilter::setLoadPaths public function
SassFilter::setNoCache public function
SassFilter::setQuiet public function
SassFilter::setScss public function
SassFilter::setStyle public function
SassFilter::setUnixNewlines public function
SassFilter::STYLE_COMPACT constant
SassFilter::STYLE_COMPRESSED constant
SassFilter::STYLE_EXPANDED constant
SassFilter::STYLE_NESTED constant
SassFilter::__construct public function 1