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 * This file is part of Twig.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
class Twig_Tests_Extension_SandboxTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  protected static $params, $templates;
  public function setUp() {
    self::$params = array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'obj' => new FooObject(),
      'arr' => array(
        'obj' => new FooObject(),
    self::$templates = array(
      '1_basic1' => '{{ }}',
      '1_basic2' => '{{ name|upper }}',
      '1_basic3' => '{% if name %}foo{% endif %}',
      '1_basic4' => '{{ }}',
      '1_basic5' => '{{ obj }}',
      '1_basic6' => '{{ arr.obj }}',
      '1_basic7' => '{{ cycle(["foo","bar"], 1) }}',
      '1_basic8' => '{{ obj.getfoobar }}{{ obj.getFooBar }}',
      '1_basic' => '{% if %}{{|upper }}{% endif %}',
      '1_layout' => '{% block content %}{% endblock %}',
      '1_child' => '{% extends "1_layout" %}{% block content %}{{ "a"|json_encode }}{% endblock %}',

   * @expectedException        Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError
   * @expectedExceptionMessage Filter "json_encode" is not allowed in "1_child".
  public function testSandboxWithInheritance() {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates, array(
  public function testSandboxGloballySet() {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(false, array(), self::$templates);
      ->assertEquals('FOO', $twig
      ->render(self::$params), 'Sandbox does nothing if it is disabled globally');
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates);
    try {
        ->fail('Sandbox throws a SecurityError exception if an unallowed method is called');
    } catch (Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError $e) {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates);
    try {
        ->fail('Sandbox throws a SecurityError exception if an unallowed filter is called');
    } catch (Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError $e) {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates);
    try {
        ->fail('Sandbox throws a SecurityError exception if an unallowed tag is used in the template');
    } catch (Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError $e) {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates);
    try {
        ->fail('Sandbox throws a SecurityError exception if an unallowed property is called in the template');
    } catch (Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError $e) {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates);
    try {
        ->fail('Sandbox throws a SecurityError exception if an unallowed method (__toString()) is called in the template');
    } catch (Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError $e) {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates);
    try {
        ->fail('Sandbox throws a SecurityError exception if an unallowed method (__toString()) is called in the template');
    } catch (Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError $e) {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates);
    try {
        ->fail('Sandbox throws a SecurityError exception if an unallowed function is called in the template');
    } catch (Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError $e) {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates, array(), array(), array(
      'FooObject' => 'foo',
      ->assertEquals('foo', $twig
      ->render(self::$params), 'Sandbox allow some methods');
      ->assertEquals(1, FooObject::$called['foo'], 'Sandbox only calls method once');
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates, array(), array(), array(
      'FooObject' => '__toString',
      ->assertEquals('foo', $twig
      ->render(self::$params), 'Sandbox allow some methods');
      ->assertEquals(1, FooObject::$called['__toString'], 'Sandbox only calls method once');
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates, array(), array(
      ->assertEquals('FABIEN', $twig
      ->render(self::$params), 'Sandbox allow some filters');
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates, array(
      ->assertEquals('foo', $twig
      ->render(self::$params), 'Sandbox allow some tags');
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates, array(), array(), array(), array(
      'FooObject' => 'bar',
      ->assertEquals('bar', $twig
      ->render(self::$params), 'Sandbox allow some properties');
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates, array(), array(), array(), array(), array(
      ->assertEquals('bar', $twig
      ->render(self::$params), 'Sandbox allow some functions');
    foreach (array(
    ) as $name) {
      $twig = $this
        ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates, array(), array(), array(
        'FooObject' => $name,
        ->assertEquals('foobarfoobar', $twig
        ->render(self::$params), 'Sandbox allow methods in a case-insensitive way');
        ->assertEquals(2, FooObject::$called['getFooBar'], 'Sandbox only calls method once');
  public function testSandboxLocallySetForAnInclude() {
    self::$templates = array(
      '2_basic' => '{{ }}{% include "2_included" %}{{ }}',
      '2_included' => '{% if %}{{|upper }}{% endif %}',
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(false, array(), self::$templates);
      ->assertEquals('fooFOOfoo', $twig
      ->render(self::$params), 'Sandbox does nothing if disabled globally and sandboxed not used for the include');
    self::$templates = array(
      '3_basic' => '{{ }}{% sandbox %}{% include "3_included" %}{% endsandbox %}{{ }}',
      '3_included' => '{% if %}{{|upper }}{% endif %}',
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(), self::$templates);
    try {
        ->fail('Sandbox throws a SecurityError exception when the included file is sandboxed');
    } catch (Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError $e) {
  public function testMacrosInASandbox() {
    $twig = $this
      ->getEnvironment(true, array(
      'autoescape' => true,
    ), array(
      'index' => <<<EOF
{%- import _self as macros %}

{%- macro test(text) %}<p>{{ text }}</p>{% endmacro %}

{{- macros.test('username') }}
    ), array(
    ), array(
      ->assertEquals('<p>username</p>', $twig
  protected function getEnvironment($sandboxed, $options, $templates, $tags = array(), $filters = array(), $methods = array(), $properties = array(), $functions = array()) {
    $loader = new Twig_Loader_Array($templates);
    $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array_merge(array(
      'debug' => true,
      'cache' => false,
      'autoescape' => false,
    ), $options));
    $policy = new Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy($tags, $filters, $methods, $properties, $functions);
      ->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Sandbox($policy, $sandboxed));
    return $twig;

class FooObject {
  public static $called = array(
    '__toString' => 0,
    'foo' => 0,
    'getFooBar' => 0,
  public $bar = 'bar';
  public static function reset() {
    self::$called = array(
      '__toString' => 0,
      'foo' => 0,
      'getFooBar' => 0,
  public function __toString() {
    return 'foo';
  public function foo() {
    return 'foo';
  public function getFooBar() {
    return 'foobar';

