
Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
file_unmanaged_delete drupal/core/includes/ Deletes a file without database changes or hook invocations. 14
file_unmanaged_delete_recursive drupal/core/includes/ Deletes all files and directories in the specified filepath recursively. 13
file_unmanaged_move drupal/core/includes/ Moves a file to a new location without database changes or hook invocation. 7
file_unmanaged_save_data drupal/core/includes/ Saves a file to the specified destination without invoking file API. 11
file_unmunge_filename drupal/core/includes/ Undoes the effect of file_munge_filename(). 1
file_update_8000 drupal/core/modules/file/file.install Converts default_file_main variable to config.
file_update_8001 drupal/core/modules/file/file.install
file_update_dependencies drupal/core/modules/file/file.install Implements hook_update_dependencies().
file_upload_max_size drupal/core/includes/ Determines the maximum file upload size by querying the PHP settings. 5
file_uri_scheme drupal/core/includes/ Returns the scheme of a URI (e.g. a stream). 34
file_uri_target drupal/core/includes/ Returns the part of a URI after the schema. 14
file_usage drupal/core/modules/file/file.module Returns the file usage service. 6
file_validate drupal/core/modules/file/file.module Checks that a file meets the criteria specified by the validators. 2
file_validate_extensions drupal/core/modules/file/file.module Checks that the filename ends with an allowed extension. 2
file_validate_image_resolution drupal/core/modules/file/file.module Verifies that image dimensions are within the specified maximum and minimum. 1
file_validate_is_image drupal/core/modules/file/file.module Checks that the file is recognized by image_get_info() as an image. 1
file_validate_name_length drupal/core/modules/file/file.module Checks for files with names longer than can be stored in the database. 1
file_validate_size drupal/core/modules/file/file.module Checks that the file's size is below certain limits. 1
file_valid_uri drupal/core/includes/ Determines whether the URI has a valid scheme for file API operations. 3
file_views_data drupal/core/modules/file/ Implements hook_views_data().
filter_access drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Checks if a user has access to a particular text format. 5
filter_admin_format_form drupal/core/modules/filter/ Form constructor for the text format add/edit form. 1
filter_admin_format_form_submit drupal/core/modules/filter/ Form submission handler for filter_admin_format_form().
filter_admin_format_form_validate drupal/core/modules/filter/ Form validation handler for filter_admin_format_form().
filter_admin_format_page drupal/core/modules/filter/ Page callback: Displays the text format add/edit form. 1
filter_admin_format_title drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Displays a text format form title. 1 1
filter_admin_overview drupal/core/modules/filter/ Page callback: Form constructor for a form to list and reorder text formats. 1
filter_admin_overview_submit drupal/core/modules/filter/ Form submission handler for filter_admin_overview().
filter_default_format drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Returns the ID of the default text format for a particular user. 13
filter_dom_load drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Parses an HTML snippet and returns it as a DOM object. 3
filter_dom_serialize drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Converts a DOM object back to an HTML snippet. 3
filter_dom_serialize_escape_cdata_element drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Adds comments around the <!CDATA section in a dom element. 1
filter_element_info drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Implements hook_element_info().
filter_fallback_format drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Returns the ID of the fallback text format that all users have access to. 17
filter_fallback_format_title drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Returns the title of the fallback text format.
filter_formats drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of text formats, ordered by weight. 21 2
filter_formats_reset drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Resets the text format caches. 7
filter_format_allowcache drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Checks if the text in a certain text format is allowed to be cached. 2
filter_format_exists drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Determines if a text format exists. 1
filter_format_load drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Loads a text format object from the database. 19
filter_form_access_denied drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Render API callback: Hides the field value of 'text_format' elements. 1
filter_get_filter_types_by_format drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves all filter types that are used in a given text format. 2
filter_get_formats_by_role drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of text formats that are allowed for a given role. 1
filter_get_roles_by_format drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of roles that are allowed to use a given text format. 6
filter_help drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Implements hook_help().
filter_library_info drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Implements hook_library_info().
filter_list_format drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of filters for a given text format. 8 1
filter_menu drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Implements hook_menu().
filter_permission drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Implements hook_permission().
filter_permission_name drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Returns the machine-readable permission name for a provided text format. 19


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