
Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
filter_process_format drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Expands an element into a base element with text format selector attached. 1
filter_test_filter_format_disable drupal/core/modules/filter/tests/filter_test/filter_test.module Implements hook_filter_format_disable().
filter_test_filter_format_insert drupal/core/modules/filter/tests/filter_test/filter_test.module Implements hook_filter_format_insert().
filter_test_filter_format_update drupal/core/modules/filter/tests/filter_test/filter_test.module Implements hook_filter_format_update().
filter_theme drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Implements hook_theme().
filter_update_8000 drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.install Moves filter_fallback settings from variable to config.
filter_update_8001 drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.install Migrate filter formats into configuration.
filter_xss drupal/core/includes/ Filters HTML to prevent cross-site-scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. 23
filter_xss_admin drupal/core/includes/ Applies a very permissive XSS/HTML filter for admin-only use. 43 1
filter_xss_bad_protocol drupal/core/includes/ Processes an HTML attribute value and strips dangerous protocols from URLs.
find_conf_path drupal/core/includes/ Finds the appropriate configuration directory for a given host and path. 1
foo drupal/core/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/Tests/_files/source_with_namespace.php 705
foo drupal/core/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/Tests/_files/source_without_namespace.php 705
format_backtrace drupal/core/includes/ Formats a backtrace into a plain-text string. 3
format_date drupal/core/includes/ Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string. 68
format_interval drupal/core/includes/ Formats a time interval with the requested granularity. 32 7
format_plural drupal/core/includes/ Formats a string containing a count of items. 68
format_rss_channel drupal/core/includes/ Formats an RSS channel. 2
format_rss_item drupal/core/includes/ Formats a single RSS item. 2
format_size drupal/core/includes/ Generates a string representation for the given byte count. 17
format_string drupal/core/includes/ Formats a string for HTML display by replacing variable placeholders. 331
format_xml_elements drupal/core/includes/ Formats XML elements. 7
form_builder drupal/core/includes/ Builds and processes all elements in the structured form array. 2
form_clear_error drupal/core/includes/ Clears all errors against all form elements made by form_set_error(). 3
form_error drupal/core/includes/ Flags an element as having an error. 47
form_execute_handlers drupal/core/includes/ Executes custom validation and submission handlers for a given form. 4
form_get_cache drupal/core/includes/ Fetches a form from the cache. 4
form_get_error drupal/core/includes/ Returns the error message filed against the given form element. 1
form_get_errors drupal/core/includes/ Returns an associative array of all errors. 16
form_get_options drupal/core/includes/ Returns the indexes of a select element's options matching a given key.
form_label_test_form drupal/core/modules/system/tests/modules/form_test/form_test.module A form for testing form labels and required marks. 1
form_load_include drupal/core/includes/ Ensures an include file is loaded whenever the form is processed. 10
form_options_flatten drupal/core/includes/ Allows PHP array processing of multiple select options with the same value. 2
form_pre_render_actions_dropbutton drupal/core/includes/ #pre_render callback for #type 'actions'. 1
form_pre_render_button drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'button' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_checkbox drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'checkbox' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_color drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'color' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_conditional_form_element drupal/core/includes/ Adds form element theming to an element if its title or description is set. 1
form_pre_render_details drupal/core/includes/ Adds form element theming to details. 1
form_pre_render_email drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'email' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_file drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'file' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_group drupal/core/includes/ Adds members of this group as actual elements for rendering. 1
form_pre_render_hidden drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'hidden' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_image_button drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'image_button' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_number drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'number' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_password drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'password' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_radio drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'radio' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_range drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'range' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_search drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'search' render element for theme_input(). 1
form_pre_render_tel drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a #type 'tel' render element for theme_input(). 1


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