function _batch_progress_page

Outputs a batch processing page.

See also


1 call to _batch_progress_page()
_batch_page in drupal/core/includes/
Renders the batch processing page based on the current state of the batch.


drupal/core/includes/, line 118
Batch processing API for processes to run in multiple HTTP requests.


function _batch_progress_page() {
  $batch =& batch_get();
  $current_set = _batch_current_set();
  drupal_set_title($current_set['title'], PASS_THROUGH);
  $new_op = 'do_nojs';
  if (!isset($batch['running'])) {

    // This is the first page so we return some output immediately.
    $percentage = 0;
    $message = $current_set['init_message'];
    $batch['running'] = TRUE;
  else {

    // This is one of the later requests; do some processing first.
    // Error handling: if PHP dies due to a fatal error (e.g. a nonexistent
    // function), it will output whatever is in the output buffer, followed by
    // the error message.
    $fallback = $current_set['error_message'] . '<br />' . $batch['error_message'];
    $fallback = theme('maintenance_page', array(
      'content' => $fallback,
      'show_messages' => FALSE,

    // We strip the end of the page using a marker in the template, so any
    // additional HTML output by PHP shows up inside the page rather than below
    // it. While this causes invalid HTML, the same would be true if we didn't,
    // as content is not allowed to appear after </html> anyway.
    list($fallback) = explode('<!--partial-->', $fallback);
    print $fallback;

    // Perform actual processing.
    list($percentage, $message) = _batch_process($batch);
    if ($percentage == 100) {
      $new_op = 'finished';

    // PHP did not die; remove the fallback output.

  // Merge required query parameters for batch processing into those provided by
  // batch_set() or hook_batch_alter().
  $batch['url_options']['query']['id'] = $batch['id'];
  $batch['url_options']['query']['op'] = $new_op;
  $url = url($batch['url'], $batch['url_options']);
  $element = array(
    // Redirect through a 'Refresh' meta tag if JavaScript is disabled.
    '#prefix' => '<noscript>',
    '#suffix' => '</noscript>',
    '#tag' => 'meta',
    '#attributes' => array(
      'http-equiv' => 'Refresh',
      'content' => '0; URL=' . $url,
  drupal_add_html_head($element, 'batch_progress_meta_refresh');

  // Adds JavaScript code and settings for clients where JavaScript is enabled.
  $js_setting = array(
    'batch' => array(
      'errorMessage' => $current_set['error_message'] . '<br />' . $batch['error_message'],
      'initMessage' => $current_set['init_message'],
      'uri' => $url,
  drupal_add_js($js_setting, 'setting');
  drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.batch');
  return theme('progress_bar', array(
    'percent' => $percentage,
    'message' => $message,