function drupal_theme_rebuild

Force the system to rebuild the theme registry; this should be called when modules are added to the system, or when a dynamic system needs to add more theme hooks.

8 calls to drupal_theme_rebuild()
image_style_flush in drupal/core/modules/image/image.module
Flush cached media for a style.
module_disable in drupal/core/includes/
Disables a given set of modules.
module_enable in drupal/core/includes/
Enables or installs a given list of modules.
ThemeTest::testPreprocessForSuggestions in drupal/core/modules/system/lib/Drupal/system/Tests/Theme/ThemeTest.php
Ensures preprocess functions run even for suggestion implementations.
theme_disable in drupal/core/includes/
Disable a given list of themes.

... See full list


drupal/core/includes/, line 358
The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.


function drupal_theme_rebuild() {
    'theme_registry' => TRUE,