Reads in language overrides for a language code.
The data is read from files named "$langcode.php" in PHPTransliteration::$dataDirectory. These files should set up an array variable $overrides with an element whose key is $langcode and whose value is an array whose keys are character codes, and whose values are their transliterations in this language.
$langcode: Code for the language to read.
protected function readLanguageOverrides($langcode) {
// Figure out the file name to use by sanitizing the language code,
// just in case.
$file = $this->dataDirectory . '/' . preg_replace('[^a-zA-Z\\-]', '', $langcode) . '.php';
// Read in this file, which should set up a variable called $overrides,
// which will be local to this function.
if (is_file($file)) {
include $file;
if (!isset($overrides) || !is_array($overrides)) {
$overrides = array(
$langcode => array(),
$this->languageOverrides[$langcode] = $overrides[$langcode];