function field_attach_view

Returns a renderable array for the fields on an entity.

Each field is displayed according to the display options specified in the instance definition for the given view mode.

field_attach_prepare_view() and field_attach_view() are two halves of the same operation. It is safe to call field_attach_prepare_view() multiple times on the same entity before calling field_attach_view() on it, but calling any Field API operation on an entity between passing that entity to these two functions may yield incorrect results.

Sample structure:

  'field_foo' => array(
    '#theme' => 'field',
    '#title' => the label of the field instance,
    '#label_display' => the label display mode,
    '#object' => the fieldable entity being displayed,
    '#entity_type' => the type of the entity being displayed,
    '#language' => the language of the field values being displayed,
    '#view_mode' => the view mode,
    '#field_name' => the name of the field,
    '#field_type' => the type of the field,
    '#formatter' => the name of the formatter,
    '#items' => the field values being displayed,
    // The element's children are the formatted values returned by
    // hook_field_formatter_view().


$entity_type: The type of $entity; e.g. 'node' or 'user'.

Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: The entity with fields to render.

$view_mode: View mode, e.g. 'full', 'teaser'...

$langcode: The language the field values are to be shown in. If no language is provided the current language is used.

array $options: An associative array of additional options. See field_invoke_method() for details.

Return value

A renderable array for the field values.

Related topics

8 calls to field_attach_view()
EmailFieldTest::testEmailField in drupal/core/modules/field/modules/email/lib/Drupal/email/Tests/EmailFieldTest.php
Tests e-mail field.
EntityRenderController::buildContent in drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityRenderController.php
Implements Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRenderControllerInterface::buildContent().
FieldAttachOtherTest::testFieldAttachView in drupal/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAttachOtherTest.php
Test field_attach_view() and field_attach_prepare_view().
LinkFieldTest::renderTestEntity in drupal/core/modules/field/modules/link/lib/Drupal/link/Tests/LinkFieldTest.php
Renders a test_entity and sets the output in the internal browser.
TermFieldMultipleVocabularyTest::testTaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularies in drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/lib/Drupal/taxonomy/Tests/TermFieldMultipleVocabularyTest.php
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... See full list


drupal/core/modules/field/, line 1451
Field attach API, allowing entities (nodes, users, ...) to be 'fieldable'.


function field_attach_view($entity_type, EntityInterface $entity, $view_mode, $langcode = NULL, array $options = array()) {

  // Determine the actual language code to display for each field, given the
  // language codes available in the field data.
  $options['langcode'] = field_language($entity_type, $entity, NULL, $langcode);

  // Invoke field_default_view().
  $null = NULL;
  $output = field_invoke_method('view', _field_invoke_formatter_target($view_mode), $entity, $view_mode, $null, $options);

  // Add custom weight handling.
  $output['#pre_render'][] = '_field_extra_fields_pre_render';
  $output['#entity_type'] = $entity_type;
  $output['#bundle'] = $entity

  // Let other modules alter the renderable array.
  $context = array(
    'entity_type' => $entity_type,
    'entity' => $entity,
    'view_mode' => $view_mode,
    'display' => $view_mode,
    'langcode' => $langcode,
  drupal_alter('field_attach_view', $output, $context);

  // Reset the _field_view_prepared flag set in field_attach_prepare_view(),
  // in case the same entity is displayed with different settings later in
  // the request.
  return $output;