function hook_filter_FILTER_tips

Tips callback for hook_filter_info().

Note: This is not really a hook. The function name is manually specified via 'tips callback' in hook_filter_info(), with this recommended callback name pattern. It is called from _filter_tips().

A filter's tips should be informative and to the point. Short tips are preferably one-liners.


$filter: An object representing the filter.

$format: An object representing the text format the filter is contained in.

$long: Whether this callback should return a short tip to display in a form (FALSE), or whether a more elaborate filter tips should be returned for theme_filter_tips() (TRUE).

Return value

Translated text to display as a tip.


drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.api.php, line 265
Hooks provided by the Filter module.


function hook_filter_FILTER_tips($filter, $format, $long) {
  if ($long) {
    return t('Lines and paragraphs are automatically recognized. The <br /> line break, <p> paragraph and </p> close paragraph tags are inserted automatically. If paragraphs are not recognized simply add a couple blank lines.');
  else {
    return t('Lines and paragraphs break automatically.');