function locale_update_8005

Update plural interface translations to new format.

See for the details of the structures handled in this update.

Related topics


drupal/core/modules/locale/locale.install, line 440
Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Locale module.


function locale_update_8005() {

  // Collect all LIDs that are sources to plural variants.
  $results = db_query("SELECT lid, plid FROM {locales_target} WHERE plural <> 0");
  $plural_lids = array();
  foreach ($results as $row) {

    // Need to collect both LID and PLID. The LID for the first (singular)
    // string can only be retrieved from the first plural's PLID given no
    // other indication. The last plural variant is never referenced, so we
    // need to store the LID directly for that. We never know whether we are
    // on the last plural though, so we always remember LID too.
    $plural_lids[] = $row->lid;
    $plural_lids[] = $row->plid;
  $plural_lids = array_unique($plural_lids);
  if (!empty($plural_lids)) {

    // Look up all translations for these source strings. Ordering by language
    // will group the strings by language, the 'plid' order will get the strings
    // in singular/plural order and 'plural' will get them in precise sequential
    // order needed.
    $results = db_query("SELECT s.lid, s.source, t.translation, t.plid, t.plural, t.language FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid WHERE s.lid IN (:lids) ORDER BY t.language, t.plid, t.plural", array(
      ':lids' => $plural_lids,

    // Collect the strings into an array and combine values as we go.
    $strings = array();
    $parents_to_sources = array();
    $remove_lids = array();
    foreach ($results as $child) {
      $strings[$child->language][$child->lid] = array(
        'source' => array(
        'translation' => array(
      if (empty($child->plid)) {

        // Non-children strings point to themselves as parents. This makes it
        // easy to look up the utmost parents for any plurals.
        $parents_to_sources[$child->lid] = $child->lid;
      else {

        // Children strings point to their utmost parents. Because we get data
        // in PLID order, we can ensure that all previous parents have data now,
        // so we can just copy the parent's data about their parent, etc.
        $parents_to_sources[$child->lid] = $parents_to_sources[$child->plid];

        // Append translation to the utmost parent's translation string.
        $utmost_parent =& $strings[$child->language][$parents_to_sources[$child->plid]];

        // Drop the Drupal-specific numbering scheme from the end of plural
        // formulas.
        $utmost_parent['translation'][] = str_replace('@count[' . $child->plural . ']', '@count', $child->translation);
        if (count($utmost_parent['source']) < 2) {

          // Append source to the utmost parent's source string only if it is
          // the plural variant. Further Drupal specific plural variants are not
          // to be retained for source strings.
          $utmost_parent['source'][] = $child->source;

        // All plural variant LIDs are to be removed with their translations.
        // Only the singular LIDs will be kept.
        $remove_lids[] = $child->lid;

    // Do updates for all source strings and all translations.
    $updated_sources = array();
    foreach ($strings as $langcode => $translations) {
      foreach ($translations as $lid => $translation) {
        if (!in_array($lid, $updated_sources)) {

          // Only update source string if not yet updated. We merged these
          // within the translation lookups because plural information was only
          // available with the translation, but we don't need to save it again
          // for every language.
            'source' => implode(LOCALE_PLURAL_DELIMITER, $translation['source']),
            ->condition('lid', $lid)
          $updated_sources[] = $lid;
          'translation' => implode(LOCALE_PLURAL_DELIMITER, $translation['translation']),
          ->condition('lid', $lid)
          ->condition('language', $langcode)

    // Remove all plural LIDs from source and target. only keep those which were
    // originally used for the singular strings (now updated to contain the
    // serialized version of plurals).
    $remove_lids = array_unique($remove_lids);
      ->condition('lid', $remove_lids, 'IN')
      ->condition('lid', $remove_lids, 'IN')

  // Drop the primary key because it contains 'plural'.

  // Remove the 'plid' and 'plural' columns and indexes.
  db_drop_index('locales_target', 'plid');
  db_drop_field('locales_target', 'plid');
  db_drop_index('locales_target', 'plural');
  db_drop_field('locales_target', 'plural');

  // Add back a primary key without 'plural'.
  db_add_primary_key('locales_target', array(