6 theme calls to maintenance-page.tpl.php

ExceptionController::on500Html in drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/ExceptionController.php
Processes a generic exception into an HTTP 500 response.
MaintenanceModeSubscriber::onKernelRequestMaintenanceModeCheck in drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/MaintenanceModeSubscriber.php
Response with the maintenance page when the site is offline.
theme_install_page in drupal/core/includes/theme.maintenance.inc
Returns HTML for the installation page.
theme_update_page in drupal/core/includes/theme.maintenance.inc
Returns HTML for the update page.
_batch_progress_page in drupal/core/includes/batch.inc
Outputs a batch processing page.
_drupal_log_error in drupal/core/includes/errors.inc
Logs a PHP error or exception and displays an error page in fatal cases.