function toolbar_view

Builds the Toolbar as a structured array ready for drupal_render().

Return value

A renderable arrray, with two children:

  • 'tabs': an array of links, rendered by theme('links').
  • 'trays': an array of render elements displayed when the corresponding tab is activated.
1 call to toolbar_view()
toolbar_pre_render in drupal/core/modules/toolbar/toolbar.module
Provides pre_render function for the toolbar.


drupal/core/modules/toolbar/toolbar.module, line 276
Administration toolbar for quick access to top level administration items.


function toolbar_view() {
  $build = array(
    '#theme' => 'toolbar',
  $build['#attached']['library'][] = array(

  // Get the configured breakpoint to switch from vertical to horizontal
  // toolbar presentation.
  $breakpoints = entity_load('breakpoint_group', 'module.toolbar.toolbar');
  if (!empty($breakpoints)) {
    $media_queries = array();
    $media_queries['toolbar']['breakpoints'] = array_map(function ($object) {
      return $object->mediaQuery;
    }, $breakpoints->breakpoints);
    $build['#attached']['js'][] = array(
      'data' => $media_queries,
      'type' => 'setting',

    // // Load the breakpoints for toolbar.
    foreach ($breakpoints->breakpoints as $key => $breakpoint) {
      $build['#attached']['js'][0]['data']['toolbar']['breakpoints'][$key] = $breakpoint->mediaQuery;

  // Get toolbar items from all modules that implement hook_toolbar() or
  // hook_toolbar_alter().
  $toolbar_groups = module_invoke_all('toolbar');
  drupal_alter('toolbar', $toolbar_groups);
  uasort($toolbar_groups, 'drupal_sort_weight');

  // Build the tabs and trays from the toolbar groups.
  $build['trays'] = array();
  $build['tabs'] = array(
    '#theme' => 'links',
    '#links' => array(),
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
    '#heading' => array(
      'text' => t('Toolbar'),
      'level' => 'h2',
      'class' => 'element-invisible',
  $tab_defaults = array(
    'title' => '',
    'href' => '',
    'html' => FALSE,
    'attributes' => new Attribute(),
  foreach ($toolbar_groups as $group => $items) {
    if ($tab = $items['tab']) {

      // Merge in the defaults.
      $tab += $tab_defaults;

    // Register a tray if one is associated with this tab.
    if (!empty($items['tray'])) {

      // Provide an id, a data attribute linking each tab to the corresponding
      // tray and aria information.
      $tab['attributes']['id'] = 'toolbar-tab-' . $group;
      $tab['attributes']['data-toolbar-tray'] = $group;
      $tab['attributes']['aria-owns'] = 'toolbar-tray-' . $group;
      $tab['attributes']['role'] = 'button';
      $tab['attributes']['aria-pressed'] = 'false';
      if (array_key_exists($group, $build['trays'])) {
        array_merge($build['trays'][$group], $items['tray']);
      else {

        // Assign the tray to the build.
        $build['trays'][$group] = $items['tray'];

    // Assign the tabs to the build.
    $build['tabs']['#links'][$group] = $tab;
  return $build;