function update_filter_project_info

Filters the project .info data to only save attributes we need.


array $info: Array of .info file data as returned by drupal_parse_info_file().

$additional_whitelist: (optional) Array of additional elements to be collected from the .info file. Defaults to array().

Return value

Array of .info file data we need for the update manager.

See also


1 call to update_filter_project_info()
update_process_info_list in drupal/core/modules/update/
Populates an array of project data.


drupal/core/modules/update/, line 822
Code required only when comparing available updates to existing data.


function update_filter_project_info($info, $additional_whitelist = array()) {
  $whitelist = array(
    'project status url',
  $whitelist = array_merge($whitelist, $additional_whitelist);
  return array_intersect_key($info, drupal_map_assoc($whitelist));