class JsonDecode

Decodes JSON data

@author Sander Coolen <>


Expanded class hierarchy of JsonDecode


drupal/core/vendor/symfony/serializer/Symfony/Component/Serializer/Encoder/JsonDecode.php, line 19


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class JsonDecode implements DecoderInterface {
  private $associative;
  private $recursionDepth;
  private $lastError = JSON_ERROR_NONE;
  public function __construct($associative = false, $depth = 512) {
    $this->associative = $associative;
    $this->recursionDepth = $depth;

   * Returns the last decoding error (if any)
   * @return integer
   * @see json_last_error
  public function getLastError() {
    return $this->lastError;

   * Decodes a JSON string into PHP data
   * @param string $data JSON
   * @return mixed
  public function decode($data, $format) {
    $decodedData = json_decode($data, $this->associative, $this->recursionDepth);
    $this->lastError = json_last_error();
    return $decodedData;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function supportsDecoding($format) {
    return JsonEncoder::FORMAT === $format;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
JsonDecode::$associative private property
JsonDecode::$lastError private property
JsonDecode::$recursionDepth private property
JsonDecode::decode public function Decodes a JSON string into PHP data Overrides DecoderInterface::decode
JsonDecode::getLastError public function Returns the last decoding error (if any)
JsonDecode::supportsDecoding public function Checks whether the serializer can decode from given format Overrides DecoderInterface::supportsDecoding
JsonDecode::__construct public function