function hook_file_copy

Respond to a file that has been copied.


Drupal\file\File $file: The newly copied file entity.

Drupal\file\File $source: The original file before the copy.

See also


1 function implements hook_file_copy()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

file_test_file_copy in drupal/core/modules/file/tests/file_test/file_test.module
Implements hook_file_copy().
1 invocation of hook_file_copy()
file_copy in drupal/core/modules/file/file.module
Copies a file to a new location and adds a file record to the database.


drupal/core/modules/file/file.api.php, line 121
Hooks for file module.


function hook_file_copy(Drupal\file\File $file, Drupal\file\File $source) {
  $file_user = user_load($file->uid);

  // Make sure that the file name starts with the owner's user name.
  if (strpos($file->filename, $file_user->name) !== 0) {
    $file->filename = $file_user->name . '_' . $file->filename;
    watchdog('file', t('Copied file %source has been renamed to %destination', array(
      '%source' => $source->filename,
      '%destination' => $file->filename,