Returns HTML for help text based on file upload validators.
$variables: An associative array containing:
function theme_file_upload_help($variables) {
$description = $variables['description'];
$upload_validators = $variables['upload_validators'];
$descriptions = array();
if (strlen($description)) {
$descriptions[] = $description;
if (isset($upload_validators['file_validate_size'])) {
$descriptions[] = t('Files must be less than !size.', array(
'!size' => '<strong>' . format_size($upload_validators['file_validate_size'][0]) . '</strong>',
if (isset($upload_validators['file_validate_extensions'])) {
$descriptions[] = t('Allowed file types: !extensions.', array(
'!extensions' => '<strong>' . check_plain($upload_validators['file_validate_extensions'][0]) . '</strong>',
if (isset($upload_validators['file_validate_image_resolution'])) {
$max = $upload_validators['file_validate_image_resolution'][0];
$min = $upload_validators['file_validate_image_resolution'][1];
if ($min && $max && $min == $max) {
$descriptions[] = t('Images must be exactly !size pixels.', array(
'!size' => '<strong>' . $max . '</strong>',
elseif ($min && $max) {
$descriptions[] = t('Images must be between !min and !max pixels.', array(
'!min' => '<strong>' . $min . '</strong>',
'!max' => '<strong>' . $max . '</strong>',
elseif ($min) {
$descriptions[] = t('Images must be larger than !min pixels.', array(
'!min' => '<strong>' . $min . '</strong>',
elseif ($max) {
$descriptions[] = t('Images must be smaller than !max pixels.', array(
'!max' => '<strong>' . $max . '</strong>',
return implode('<br />', $descriptions);