Get the entity info array of an entity type.
$entity_type: The entity type, e.g. node, for which the info shall be returned, or NULL to return an array with info about all types.
function entity_get_info($entity_type = NULL) {
global $language;
// Use the advanced drupal_static() pattern, since this is called very often.
static $drupal_static_fast;
if (!isset($drupal_static_fast)) {
$drupal_static_fast['entity_info'] =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
$entity_info =& $drupal_static_fast['entity_info'];
// hook_entity_info() includes translated strings, so each language is cached
// separately.
$langcode = $language->language;
if (empty($entity_info)) {
if ($cache = cache_get("entity_info:{$langcode}")) {
$entity_info = $cache->data;
else {
$entity_info = module_invoke_all('entity_info');
// Merge in default values.
foreach ($entity_info as $name => $data) {
$entity_info[$name] += array(
'fieldable' => FALSE,
'controller class' => 'DrupalDefaultEntityController',
'static cache' => TRUE,
'field cache' => TRUE,
'load hook' => $name . '_load',
'bundles' => array(),
'view modes' => array(),
'entity keys' => array(),
'translation' => array(),
$entity_info[$name]['entity keys'] += array(
'revision' => '',
'bundle' => '',
foreach ($entity_info[$name]['view modes'] as $view_mode => $view_mode_info) {
$entity_info[$name]['view modes'][$view_mode] += array(
'custom settings' => FALSE,
// If no bundle key is provided, assume a single bundle, named after
// the entity type.
if (empty($entity_info[$name]['entity keys']['bundle']) && empty($entity_info[$name]['bundles'])) {
$entity_info[$name]['bundles'] = array(
$name => array(
'label' => $entity_info[$name]['label'],
// Prepare entity schema fields SQL info for
// DrupalEntityControllerInterface::buildQuery().
if (isset($entity_info[$name]['base table'])) {
$entity_info[$name]['base table field types'] = drupal_schema_field_types($entity_info[$name]['base table']);
$entity_info[$name]['schema_fields_sql']['base table'] = drupal_schema_fields_sql($entity_info[$name]['base table']);
if (isset($entity_info[$name]['revision table'])) {
$entity_info[$name]['schema_fields_sql']['revision table'] = drupal_schema_fields_sql($entity_info[$name]['revision table']);
// Let other modules alter the entity info.
drupal_alter('entity_info', $entity_info);
cache_set("entity_info:{$langcode}", $entity_info);
if (empty($entity_type)) {
return $entity_info;
elseif (isset($entity_info[$entity_type])) {
return $entity_info[$entity_type];