
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct usessort descending Strings
drupal_random_key drupal/includes/ Returns a URL-safe, base64 encoded string of highly randomized bytes (over the full 8-bit range). 12
file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme drupal/includes/ Checks that the scheme of a stream URI is valid. 13
file_save drupal/includes/ Saves a file object to the database. 13
file_unmanaged_copy drupal/includes/ Copies a file to a new location without invoking the file API. 13
file_unmanaged_delete_recursive drupal/includes/ Deletes all files and directories in the specified filepath recursively. 13
drupal_html_id drupal/includes/ Prepares a string for use as a valid HTML ID and guarantees uniqueness. 13 2
drupal_add_library drupal/includes/ Adds multiple JavaScript or CSS files at the same time. 13 3
drupal_flush_all_caches drupal/includes/ Flushes all cached data on the site. 13
entity_uri drupal/includes/ Returns the URI elements of an entity. 13
request_uri drupal/includes/ Returns the equivalent of Apache's $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable. 13
drupal_register_shutdown_function drupal/includes/ Registers a function for execution on shutdown. 13
db_query_range drupal/includes/database/ Executes a query against the active database, restricted to a range. 13 1
field_attach_update drupal/modules/field/ Save field data for an existing entity. 13
field_info_widget_types drupal/modules/field/ Returns information about field widgets from hook_field_widget_info(). 13
user_pass_rehash drupal/modules/user/user.module Creates a unique hash value for use in time-dependent per-user URLs. 13
image_test_get_all_calls drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Get an array with the all the calls to the toolkits since image_test_reset() was called. 13
module_load_install drupal/includes/ Loads a module's installation hooks. 14
drupal_get_css drupal/includes/ Returns a themed representation of all stylesheets to attach to the page. 14
drupal_get_token drupal/includes/ Generates a token based on $value, the user session, and the private key. 14
watchdog_exception drupal/includes/ Logs an exception. 14
db_rename_table drupal/includes/database/ Renames a table. 14
field_read_fields drupal/modules/field/ Reads in fields that match an array of conditions. 14
field_read_instance drupal/modules/field/ Reads a single instance record from the database. 14
field_read_instances drupal/modules/field/ Reads in field instances that match an array of conditions. 14
shortcut_set_load drupal/modules/shortcut/shortcut.module Loads the data for a shortcut set. 14
taxonomy_get_tree drupal/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module Create a hierarchical representation of a vocabulary. 14 2
node_load_multiple drupal/modules/node/node.module Loads node entities from the database. 14
node_view drupal/modules/node/node.module Generates an array for rendering the given node. 14 1
user_role_grant_permissions drupal/modules/user/user.module Grant permissions to a user role. 14
filter_formats drupal/modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of text formats, ordered by weight. 14 5
filter_fallback_format drupal/modules/filter/filter.module Returns the ID of the fallback text format that all users have access to. 14 3
decode_entities drupal/includes/ Decodes all HTML entities (including numerical ones) to regular UTF-8 bytes. 15 1
file_load_multiple drupal/includes/ Loads file objects from the database. 15
drupal_theme_initialize drupal/includes/ Initializes the theme system by loading the theme. 15
theme_get_setting drupal/includes/ Retrieves a setting for the current theme or for a given theme. 15
drupal_get_profile drupal/includes/ Gets the name of the currently active installation profile. 15
current_path drupal/includes/ Return the current URL path of the page being viewed. 15
_field_info_field_cache drupal/modules/field/ Retrieves the FieldInfo object for the current request. 15
field_read_field drupal/modules/field/ Reads a single field record directly from the database. 15
filter_permission_name drupal/modules/filter/filter.module Returns the machine-readable permission name for a provided text format. 15
check_markup drupal/modules/filter/filter.module Runs all the enabled filters on a piece of text. 15
field_test_entity_save drupal/modules/field/tests/ Saves a test_entity. 15
drupal_get_installed_schema_version drupal/includes/ Returns the currently installed schema version for a module. 16
lock_release drupal/includes/ Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire(). 16
drupal_save_session drupal/includes/ Determines whether to save session data of the current request. 16
file_uri_target drupal/includes/ Returns the part of a URI after the schema. 16
drupal_http_request drupal/includes/ Performs an HTTP request. 16
drupal_add_tabledrag drupal/includes/ Assists in adding the tableDrag JavaScript behavior to a themed table. 16
drupal_valid_token drupal/includes/ Validates a token based on $value, the user session, and the private key. 16
drupal_array_get_nested_value drupal/includes/ Retrieves a value from a nested array with variable depth. 16


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