
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct usessort ascending Strings
node_get_type_label drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Returns the node type label for the passed node. 12
field_read_fields drupal/core/modules/field/ Reads in fields that match an array of conditions. 12
field_read_instances drupal/core/modules/field/ Reads in field instances that match an array of conditions. 12
update_variable_set drupal/core/includes/ Sets a persistent variable during the 7.x-8.x upgrade path. 11
file_unmanaged_save_data drupal/core/includes/ Saves a file to the specified destination without invoking file API. 11
drupal_mkdir drupal/core/includes/ Creates a directory, optionally creating missing components in the path to the directory. 11
drupal_add_html_head drupal/core/includes/ Adds output to the HEAD tag of the HTML page. 11
drupal_get_query_parameters drupal/core/includes/ Processes a URL query parameter array to remove unwanted elements. 11
menu_list_system_menus drupal/core/includes/ Returns an array containing the names of system-defined (default) menus. 11
form_state_defaults drupal/core/includes/ Retrieves default values for the $form_state array. 11
batch_process drupal/core/includes/ Processes the batch. 11
drupal_get_filename drupal/core/includes/ Returns and optionally sets the filename for a system resource. 11
drupal_bootstrap drupal/core/includes/ Ensures Drupal is bootstrapped to the specified phase. 11
_forum_node_check_node_type drupal/core/modules/forum/forum.module Checks whether a node can be used in a forum, based on its content type. 11
node_type_load drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Menu argument loader: Loads a node type by string. 11 1
user_pass_rehash drupal/core/modules/user/user.module Creates a unique hash value for use in time-dependent per-user URLs. 11
file_test_reset drupal/core/modules/file/tests/file_test/file_test.module Reset/initialize the history of calls to the file_* hooks. 11
field_read_instance drupal/core/modules/field/ Reads a single instance record from the database. 11
drupal_chmod drupal/core/includes/ Sets the permissions on a file or directory. 10
drupal_theme_initialize drupal/core/includes/ Initializes the theme system by loading the theme. 10
drupal_http_build_query Deprecated drupal/core/includes/ Parses an array into a valid, rawurlencoded query string. 10
drupal_system_listing drupal/core/includes/ This function is kept only for backward compatibility. 10 1
form_load_include drupal/core/includes/ Ensures an include file is loaded whenever the form is processed. 10
form_state_values_clean drupal/core/includes/ Removes internal Form API elements and buttons from submitted form values. 10
drupal_anonymous_user drupal/core/includes/ Generates a default anonymous $user object. 10
drupal_register_shutdown_function drupal/core/includes/ Registers a function for execution on shutdown. 10
search_touch_node drupal/core/modules/search/search.module Changes a node's changed timestamp to 'now' to force reindexing. 10
system_rebuild_theme_data drupal/core/modules/system/system.module Rebuild, save, and return data about all currently available themes. 10
system_region_list drupal/core/modules/system/system.module Get a list of available regions from a specified theme. 10
locale_translation_get_projects drupal/core/modules/locale/ Get array of projects which are available for interface translation. 10 1
drupal_is_front_page drupal/core/includes/ Check if the current page is the front page. 10
_field_invoke drupal/core/modules/field/ Invoke a field hook. 10
field_attach_view drupal/core/modules/field/ Returns a renderable array for the fields on an entity. 10
overlay_get_mode drupal/core/modules/overlay/overlay.module Gets the current overlay mode. 10
translation_entity_enabled drupal/core/modules/translation_entity/translation_entity.module Determines whether the given entity type is translatable. 10
menu_get_menus drupal/core/modules/menu/menu.module Return an associative array of the custom menus names. 10
menu_link_save drupal/core/modules/menu_link/menu_link.module Saves a menu link. 10
_field_test_storage_data drupal/core/modules/field/tests/modules/field_test/ Helper function: stores or retrieves data from the 'storage backend'. 10
entity_view_multiple drupal/core/includes/ Returns the render array for the provided entities. 9
module_set_weight drupal/core/includes/ Sets weight of a particular module. 9
drupal_add_tabledrag drupal/core/includes/ Assists in adding the tableDrag JavaScript behavior to a themed table. 9
drupal_parse_info_file drupal/core/includes/ Parses Drupal module and theme .info.yml files. 9
drupal_get_title drupal/core/includes/ Gets the title of the current page. 9
drupal_get_hash_salt drupal/core/includes/ Gets a salt useful for hardening against SQL injection. 9
field_filter_xss drupal/core/modules/field/field.module Filters an HTML string to prevent cross-site-scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. 9 1
file_move drupal/core/modules/file/file.module Moves a file to a new location and update the file's database entry. 9
taxonomy_term_load drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module Return the taxonomy term entity matching a term ID. 9
image_style_options drupal/core/modules/image/image.module Gets an array of image styles suitable for using as select list options. 9
field_test_memorize drupal/core/modules/field/tests/modules/field_test/field_test.module Store and retrieve keyed data for later verification by unit tests. 9
field_language drupal/core/modules/field/ Returns the display language code for the fields attached to the given entity. 9 4


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