Classes, traits, and interfaces

Primary tabs

Name Typesort descending Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
DrupalDatabaseCache class drupal/includes/ Defines a default cache implementation. 1
Updater class drupal/includes/ Base class for Updaters used in Drupal. 2
UpdaterException class drupal/includes/ Exception class for the Updater class hierarchy. 1
UpdaterFileTransferException class drupal/includes/ Child class of UpdaterException that indicates a FileTransfer exception.
DrupalDefaultEntityController class drupal/includes/ Default implementation of DrupalEntityControllerInterface. 6
EntityFieldQueryException class drupal/includes/ Exception thrown by EntityFieldQuery() on unsupported query syntax.
EntityFieldQuery class drupal/includes/ Retrieves entities matching a given set of conditions.
EntityMalformedException class drupal/includes/ Defines an exception thrown when a malformed entity is passed.
BatchQueue class drupal/includes/ Defines a batch queue.
BatchMemoryQueue class drupal/includes/ Defines a batch queue for non-progressive batches.
DatabaseTasks abstract class drupal/includes/ Database installer structure. 3
DatabaseTaskException class drupal/includes/ Exception thrown if the database installer fails.
DrupalUpdateException class drupal/includes/ @class Exception class used to throw error if a module update fails.
TableSort class drupal/includes/ Query extender class for tablesort queries.
DrupalFakeCache class drupal/includes/ Defines a stub cache implementation to be used during installation.
PagerDefault class drupal/includes/ Query extender for pager queries.
ThemeRegistry class drupal/includes/ Builds the run-time theme registry.
DrupalCacheArray abstract class drupal/includes/ Provides a caching wrapper to be used in place of large array structures. 2
SchemaCache class drupal/includes/ Extends DrupalCacheArray to allow for dynamic building of the schema cache.
DrupalLocalStreamWrapper abstract class drupal/includes/ Drupal stream wrapper base class for local files. 4
DrupalPublicStreamWrapper class drupal/includes/ Drupal public (public://) stream wrapper class. 1
DrupalPrivateStreamWrapper class drupal/includes/ Drupal private (private://) stream wrapper class.
DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper class drupal/includes/ Drupal temporary (temporary://) stream wrapper class.
DatabaseConnection abstract class drupal/includes/database/ Base Database API class. 3
Database abstract class drupal/includes/database/ Primary front-controller for the database system.
DatabaseTransactionNoActiveException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception for when popTransaction() is called with no active transaction.
DatabaseTransactionNameNonUniqueException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown when a savepoint or transaction name occurs twice.
DatabaseTransactionCommitFailedException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown when a commit() function fails.
DatabaseTransactionExplicitCommitNotAllowedException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception to deny attempts to explicitly manage transactions.
DatabaseTransactionOutOfOrderException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown when a rollback() resulted in other active transactions being rolled-back.
InvalidMergeQueryException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown for merge queries that do not make semantic sense.
FieldsOverlapException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an insert query specifies a field twice.
NoFieldsException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an insert query doesn't specify insert or default fields.
DatabaseConnectionNotDefinedException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an undefined database connection is requested.
DatabaseDriverNotSpecifiedException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if no driver is specified for a database connection.
DatabaseTransaction class drupal/includes/database/ A wrapper class for creating and managing database transactions.
DatabaseStatementBase class drupal/includes/database/ Default implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface.
DatabaseStatementEmpty class drupal/includes/database/ Empty implementation of a database statement.
SelectQueryExtender class drupal/includes/database/ The base extender class for Select queries. 3
SelectQuery class drupal/includes/database/ Query builder for SELECT statements. 2
DatabaseSchema abstract class drupal/includes/database/ Base class for database schema definitions. 3
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an object being created already exists.
DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an object being modified doesn't exist yet.
DatabaseLog class drupal/includes/database/ Database query logger.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch class drupal/includes/database/ An implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface that prefetches all data. 1
Query abstract class drupal/includes/database/ Base class for query builders. 6
InsertQuery class drupal/includes/database/ General class for an abstracted INSERT query. 3
DeleteQuery class drupal/includes/database/ General class for an abstracted DELETE operation. 1
TruncateQuery class drupal/includes/database/ General class for an abstracted TRUNCATE operation. 2
UpdateQuery class drupal/includes/database/ General class for an abstracted UPDATE operation. 2


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